新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《逍遥九歌行》塑造真实仙界:和NPC不得不说的故事


"Free and unfettered Nine Songs" portraying the real fairyland: stories that NPC had to tell

2018-06-13 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《逍遥九歌行》是君海游戏布局仙侠类3DMMO手游细分市场的战略级产品,凭借次世代唯美画质,天气变幻的大世界,和新创平衡的数值玩法等,自曝光后便收获许多关注。《逍遥九歌行》用3D画面塑造一个广阔的仙侠世界,而四处散落的NPC又点染出鲜活的气息,今天随小编去听听他们的故事吧。 以一己之力大战血魔,不敌。从断崖上掉落,误入迷雾山谷,被一神秘少女所救。少女名叫鹿菏儿,天天念叨着“山下醉香楼的烧鸡可好吃了,我每天都能闻到远远传来的香味!”。她竟然还见过我那个美名远扬的大师兄,“就远远的见过一次,可帅了!”。 调查魔物途经一个临海的村庄,海浪声中一片安乐祥和。村民最爱在闲时聚在一起唠嗑,聊海...

The "unfettered nine song line" is the strategic product of the 3DMMO hand tour subdivision market of the Jun Hai game layout, with the aesthetic quality of the second generation, the changing weather in the world, and the new balance of numerical play, and so on, many concerns have been harvested after the exposure. "The unfettered nine song line" uses the 3D picture to shape a broad fairy world, and the scattered NPC also dyed fresh breath, today with the small editor to listen to their stories. Fight blood with one's own power. Falling from the cliff, misty into the misty Valley, rescued by a mysterious girl. The name of the girl is Lu Heer, and every day she says, "the roast chicken in the Fragrant Hill floor of the hill is delicious, and I can smell the fragrance coming from far away every day." She even met my famous great brother, "I've seen it once in a distance, but I'm handsome!" Investigation of the devil passes through a village near the sea, and the sound of the waves is peaceful and peaceful. Villagers love to get together and chat when they are free.

标签: PC