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《桃花源记》新服刀剑如梦 12点热烈开启

"Land of peach blossoms," the new service, the sword like dream 12 warm open

2015-07-31 12:12:43来源: 电玩巴士

今日12时,“刀剑如梦”酣畅开启!各种礼包奖励等你来挖掘。夏日嘉年华九大活动,让你暑假玩个够! 夏日狂欢 积分换奖励 神兽难免疫 夏日来《桃花源记》消暑玩乐,道具满地捡不停。冰棍、西瓜和刨冰,物品栏满得不行?轻装上阵才能所向披靡!夏日积分仙子来放行。积分累计,神兽大奖兑给你。...

today, 12, open the "dreamlike Swords" hearty! All gifts and incentives such as you to mining. Summer Carnival nine activities, let your summer vacation to play enough! Summer Carnival points for reward animal immune summer to "land of peach blossoms" summer fun and props on the floor to pick up constantly. Popsicles, watermelon and ice, inventory is full? To go to the battle-front without any burden to release the integral fairy carry the world before one summer. Total integration, winning against animal for you. ...