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"Rocky" started in the history of the strongest Meng for war

2015-08-12 18:43:15来源: 天极网

眼看着一大波,又一大波的萌宠们来到爱琳大陆后,不但找到自己的主人,还获得众多米莱西安们的疼爱。于是,作为《洛奇》世界里主角的NPC们吃醋了,“要说到萌,我们也很萌的!不信你们看!” 优越的机械背包礼盒激萌来袭 8月7日起,《洛奇》的各位NPC们将携手推出“优越的机械背包礼盒”。在...

watched as a wavelet and wavelet Meng pet who came to Eileen continent, only to find his master, also received numerous domily Xi'an their love. So as "Rocky" world hero NPCs jealous, "when it comes to Meng, we also very cute! Do not believe you see!" superior mechanical backpack box stimulated sprouting struck on July 8, "Rocky" all the NPCs will work together to launch "superior mechanical backpack box". In...