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The death of point card

2018-09-03 06:00:00来源: 游戏时光

对于一部分新一代的玩家而言,由于常年受到 F2P 和微交易等收费模式的濡染,狭义上的「计时点卡」成了个有些陌生的名词。但倘若你在千禧年伊始就了解过网络游戏,那么有极大的可能,从封尘的抽屉中能找出一大摞与之相关的“回忆”。在街边的报刊亭中购买点卡,然后将其兑换为数十个小时的游戏时间,某种程度上成为了一个时代网游玩家的缩影 —— 奈何时过境迁,如今的「点卡制」已是难以独立存在、甚至趋近消亡的一种收费形式。即使是最为传统的 MMORPG,也开始为了生计而大规模转型。保留了计时模式的 FF14 同样得与国际接轨,贩卖道具和周边成了赚取收益的重要方式。而《魔兽世界》更是在两年前就全面...

For part of a new generation of players, because the charge such as perennial F2P and micro trading mode, the osmosis of narrow sense "timing point card" was a strange word. But if you understand a network game at the start of the millennium, so great, from sealing dust drawer can find a big pile of related to "remember". In the street the newsagent to buy point card, then exchange for dozens of hours of game time, and to some extent become a microcosm of the online game players an era - & have spent How times have changed, and now the "point card" is hard to exist independently, even reaching the demise of the charge form. Even the most traditional MMORPG started large-scale transformation for a living. Keep the timing mode FF14 & have spent Also in line with international standards, selling props and surrounding became the most important way to earn income. The world of warcraft is more comprehensive in two years ago...