新关注 > 信息聚合 > DNF4.21更新内容汇总:五一套礼包劳动节站街新活..


DNF4.21 update content summary: set of gift bag labor day street new live..

2016-04-20 17:54:34来源: TechWeb

DNF4.21更新内容汇总:五一套礼包新活动跳跃礼盒开放。周末里又有了一些奇怪的更新,看来活动可以更新,一起来看看4月21日大更新的相关内容吧。 【五一套增加了奇怪的加成】 去年五一套对哥特LOLI活动有加成,那么,这次五一套就对剿贼活动有加成了 特地脱了一件让大家看看正常的掉率 ...

DNF4.21 update content summary: May 1 set of gift bag jump box open new activities. In the weekend and had some strange updates, activity can be updated, April 21, take a look at the big update relevant content. Last May 1 set of increased strange addition 】 【 goth LOLI activities with May 1 set, so, this may set a thief to suppress activities have become specially took off a let you see the drop rate of normal...

标签: DNF