新关注 > 信息聚合 > 日本秋叶原网吧实拍:和服美女网管,能洗澡


Japan Akihabara photos: beautiful network, Internet cafes can take a bath

2016-11-07 01:40:35来源: 中关村在线

作为动漫、游戏的大本营,日本秋叶原一直都是全世界宅男向往的圣地,当地的“网吧”也别具一格,很有当地特色。近日,有媒体曝光了一组秋叶原“和风”(大和民族代表风格)网吧,一起来感受一下。 和一般网吧不同的是,这家“和风”采用了传统日式客栈的设计理念,室内陈列着园艺装饰,播放着三味弦音乐,地...

As the animation, the game has always been a Japanese stronghold, Akihabara world Indoorsman of the holy land, the local "Internet cafes" also have a unique style, very local characteristics. Recently, the media exposure of a group of "Akihabara and wind" (Yamato style) Internet cafes, a feel. Different from the average Internet cafe, the "wind and wind" uses the traditional Japanese hotel design concept, indoor display of gardening decoration, play three string music, ground...