新关注 > 信息聚合 > 迪士尼放弃游戏发行业务 《迪士尼无限》取消

迪士尼放弃游戏发行业务 《迪士尼无限》取消

Walt Disney gave up business "Disney is infinite" to cancel

2016-05-11 16:25:27来源: 电玩巴士

迪士尼正式宣布,《迪士尼无限》系列将终止开发,其制作组——位于犹他的雪崩工作室(与制作《正当防卫》系列的制作组同名)也被关闭,将近300人面临失业。同时,迪士尼的主机游戏发行业务也一并停止运营。这一变故是否会对与迪士尼有合作的工作室(如忍者理论)造成影响目前还不清楚。 《迪士尼无限》...

Disney officially announced that the Disney infinite series will terminate the development, the production team, located in Utah avalanche studio (and make the production team of "self-defense" series of the same name) has been closed, nearly 300 people are facing unemployment. At the same time, Disney's distribution business also stop operating console. This change will be to have cooperation with Disney studio (e.g., ninja theory) impact is unclear. The Disney infinite...

标签: 游戏