新关注 > 信息聚合 > 弹弹堂S怎么提高强化成功率 弹弹堂S强化攻略解密

弹弹堂S怎么提高强化成功率 弹弹堂S强化攻略解密

Play Hall s how to improve the success rate of projectile Hall s strengthening strategy decryption

2015-05-23 16:43:02来源: 4399

有些玩家会因为一把+8上9的装备强化失败而怒删游戏,其实,弹弹堂S中强化是有技巧的,接下来就来看看4399阿尔法给大家带来的强化指南,让强化成功不再是梦。 ▍强化时间的选择 首先建议大家周末不要强化,因为周末上线的人多,我建议大家周一至周四凌晨1:30-2:00 较好,这是依照每个人...

some players will because the + 8 9 equipment failure to strengthen and anger delete game, in fact, play Hall s strengthening of skills, the next step is to see 4399 alpha to bring you the enhancement refers to the south, to strengthen the success is no longer a dream. Man strengthen time first recommend the weekend does not strengthen, because a lot of weekend on-line, I suggest you Monday to Thursday morning 1:30-2:00 better, which is in accordance with everyone.