新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《排球少年:交叉组队战》游戏流程介绍公开


The volleyball teenager: cross team wars game public process is introduced

2016-02-04 17:01:44来源: 电玩巴士

2月4日发售Fami通公开了3DS体育模拟游戏《排球少年:交叉组队战》游戏流程。《排球少年:交叉组队战》是人气漫画《排球少年》游戏化的第二弹作品。游戏中,玩家将作为仙台红叶原高校的一名排球部成员,参加在乌野高校进行的合宿。本作原创剧情将会有全语音演绎。 本作中,玩家可以和参加合宿的其...

February 4 sale Fami tong released 3 ds sports simulation game the game process in volleyball teenager: cross team wars. The volleyball teenager: cross team wars is a popular cartoon "juvenile volleyball game of the second bomb works. Game, players will be sendai red leaves a volleyball club members in colleges and universities, engage in us lodge in the wild in colleges and universities. This original story there will be a full voice. In this, players can join and close it...

标签: 游戏