新关注 > 信息聚合 > 游久游戏即将复牌 拟现金收购盛月网络100%股权

游久游戏即将复牌 拟现金收购盛月网络100%股权

Tour for a long time, the game is about to resume trading intends to cash acquisition of Sheng months 100% stake in the network

2015-11-20 10:48:17来源: 4399

11月19日,游久游戏发出公告,宣布即将召开投资者说明会宣布复牌时间,同时将以现金方式收购盛月网络100%的股权。 游久自2015年6月27日重大资产重组停牌,至今五个月。此前在申请继续停牌的公告中披露过拟收购盛月网络100%股权的事项。由于涉及海外上市主体的标的公司受不同法律法规限制...

11 March 19, long swim game announcement, announced the upcoming investors that will be announced the resumption of trading time, also will be in cash acquisition Sheng month online 100% of the equity. Travel long since June 27, 2015 major asset restructuring suspension, up to five months. Prior to the application to continue the suspension of the announcement of the proposed acquisition of 100% equity interest in the network to be acquired. Because the subject of the subject of overseas listed companies subject to different laws and regulations...

标签: 游戏