新关注 > 信息聚合 > 登录即送熊猫之星称号《太极熊猫2》武道之心新版今日开战


Log in or send the panda star title "tai chi panda 2" budo the heart of the new war today

2016-12-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

无限制全球动作手游“武道之心”今日全面开启啦!第三主城同步开放,地宫探索遗迹再现!全新英雄太极拳圣学艺归来,海量角色自由体验,野外地图领域开拓,翅膀长成造型酷炫,时装搭配任性DIY。同时还有老兵专属回归活动,6480绑钻、免费月卡疯狂送,海量福利开启周岁狂欢! 为庆贺《太极熊猫2》一周岁 即日起登录即送周年庆称号“熊猫之星” 新英雄太极拳圣 海量角色一键切换 《太极熊猫2》为了给玩家带来多元化的职业体验,采用了极富创意的多角色切换设定,玩家可以自由切换主控角色,体验不同英雄的战斗快感。在新版本中,全新英雄太极拳圣将首发登场,强大的buff玩法和爽快的打击效果,物理系近战肉盾型英...

Unlimited global action tour "the heart of the martial way" hand full open today! Open the third city proper synchronization, dungeons to explore ruins again! New hero back tai chi SAN technology and mass characters experience, free field map field develops, wings grow in cool modelling, DIY fashion collocation willfulness. Exclusive return to activity, as well as veteran card crazy to send 6480 to drill, free month, massive benefits to open one full year of life carnival! To celebrate the tai chi panda 2 send login a year from now on the anniversary of the star of "panda" new tai chi SAN mass heroes a key switch "tai chi panda 2" in order to give players with diverse professional experience, the more creative role switch Settings, the player can freely switch master role, experience different hero fighting pleasure. In the new version, new tai chi SAN hero will debut, powerful buff gameplay and snappy effect, physics melee meat shield type English...