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小怪组队来捣乱 天空之城英雄升级忙

Small strange team to make trouble Sky City upgrade

2015-05-13 19:09:30来源: 新浪

天空之城 CGWR 得分 CGWR:389 位 CGWR介绍 百万玩家翘首以盼的IMAX级3D变身动作网游《天空之城》于昨日开启终极测试,好战的你来了没有?是前所未有的变身激战,是万种瞩目的比武大会,还是百人参与的大型野战,总有一种玩法合你的胃口,总有一种战斗让你的激情肆意挥洒!...

busy city CGWR of the sky CGWR:389 CGWR introduced millions of game player score to the highly anticipated IMAX 3D turned the "sky city" Action Games opened yesterday the ultimate test, militant you here? The battle turned is hitherto unknown, is a great tournament million, or 100 in a large field, there is a kind of play to your liking, there is always a battle to let your passion sway! ...