新关注 > 信息聚合 > 创想兵团精彩操作Top5


Original mind corps wonderful Top5 operation

2016-03-11 15:12:33来源: 7k7k小游戏

花式操作吊打全场《创想兵团远征》TOP5精彩操作赏析 2016首款英雄枪战页游《创想兵团远征》开启不删档测试已有一段时间,小伙伴们在游戏中已经体验到了许多和传统射击游戏不一样的元素,Q萌清新的画面风格,三种不同风格的特色职业,独特的职业技能,多样的武器搭配,每一场战斗都变得更为轻松有趣...

Fancy easing the bit in full operation idea regiment expedition TOP5 wonderful appreciation operation 2016 page first hero gunfight swim "original mind regiment expedition" open don't delete file test for a period of time, many friends in the game has experienced and is not the same as the traditional shooting game elements, Q of pure and fresh style of pictures, characteristics of three different styles of professional, unique professional skills, a variety of weapons is tie-in, each battle has become more fun...