新关注 > 信息聚合 > AGON爱攻助力双.11电商之战+电竞盛宴!


Love attack power double AGON. 11 electric business war + e-sports feast!

2016-11-12 13:31:37来源: 中关村在线


A year on November 11, electric business, not just more of A circle of e-sports feast! On Nov. 11, airborne xiamen WCA2016 qualifier S3 finals, will appear the first coldplay entertainment section e-sports, for three days, five race has not only high energy project, there are two exhibition games, hot love e-sports brand AGON more professional attack with the strongest kill the display technology, hand in hand for e-sports enthusiasts to provide another electric...

标签: 电竞 电商