新关注 > 信息聚合 > 全世界作死能力最强的女性游戏角色,没有之一


The greatest fault of the female characters, around the world do not have one

2016-10-11 08:29:36来源: 新浪

在游戏世界中,上天入地简直稀松平常,甚至毁灭世界也不是什么新鲜事,然而就有那么一群人,他们用极少的装备去四处探险,挑战人类的极限,简直是作死界的典范。 《古墓丽影》的主人公劳拉·克劳馥出生于世界知名的考古学家庭并继承伯爵头衔,成年后劳拉的足迹遍布世界各地人迹罕至的角落,共有10几次世...

In the game world, just is common, even destroy the world is nothing new, however, have so a group of people, they use very little equipment to adventure around, challenge the limit of human, it is a model of fault boundary. The heroine lara croft tomb raider was born in the world famous archeological inheritance family and earl's title, as an adult, Laura, footprints all over the world lonely corner, with a total of 10 a few times the world...

标签: 游戏