新关注 > 信息聚合 > “迷你超任”9月怀旧上市 21款经典游戏全包

“迷你超任”9月怀旧上市 21款经典游戏全包

"Mini super nintendo" nostalgic listed September 21 classic game full package

2017-06-27 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据《今日美国》杂志6月27日报道,任天堂宣布将于9月29日在美正式推出经典“迷你超级任天堂”,共收录21款经典游戏。 继2016年的“经典版任天堂”的成功推出后,任天堂在6月26日发布了美版经典“迷你超级任天堂”,内置21款经典游戏,包括《F-ZERO》、《超级大金刚》、《超级马里奥赛车》、《超级银河战士》及此前从未发布的《星际火狐2》等游戏。游戏机配备两个无线SNES手柄,适合双人同时游戏。 经典“迷你超级任天堂”计划于9月29日在美上市,售价79.99美元(约合人民币547元)。(实习编译:郑雅鸿 审稿:刘洋)

On June 27, according to a USA today reported that nintendo announced on September 29, in the United States launched a classic super nintendo "mini", included in 21 classic game. A "classic nintendo" in 2016, after the successful launch of nintendo released on June 26, the American classic super nintendo "mini", built-in 21 classic games, including "F - ZERO", "super big king kong", "super Mario kart", "super galaxy fighter" and had never released the star firefox 2 "and other games. Two wireless SNES console equipped with handle, suitable for double game at the same time. Classic super nintendo "mini" plan on September 29, listed in the us, $79.99 (RMB 547). (internship compilation: Zheng Yahong review: liu Yang)

标签: 游戏