新关注 > 信息聚合 > 残血的克星 王者荣耀荆轲铭文怎么搭配

残血的克星 王者荣耀荆轲铭文怎么搭配

The bane of residual blood king glory with jing ke inscriptions

2016-06-15 16:28:49来源: 新浪


Jing ke is very famous in the history of the assassin, and now reincarnated as a girl in the world of the king of glory, the assassination of skills, game assists or kill its talent's ability to remove the cooldown CD, let it become adept in the assassination of the enemy. The inscription collocation assassin heroes do not with full of violent output is given priority to, the balance of lay particular stress on health and attack, let the assassin hero can guarantee survival on the battlefield, can output the most...

标签: 王者荣耀