新关注 > 信息聚合 > 3D魔幻巨作91wan《主宰西游》双线29服耀世开启


3D 91wan fantasy masterpiece "dominate the west" 29 Lane service to dazzle the world open

2016-06-22 14:38:12来源: 一游网

《主宰西游》以“西游记”小说情节为背景,让玩家化身最凶猛的勇士,在战斗中绝杀频发。巅峰战神今日归来,再现经典取经之路,更独创神将玩法,让诸天神魔陪你取经,为你挽尊! 耀世开启 2016年06月22日11:00,3D魔幻巨作91wan《主宰西游》双线29服耀世开启!群妖出动,风波难...

"Journey to the west" to "journey to the west" novel plot as the background, allowing players to incarnate the most ferocious warriors, fighting in the lore, frequent. The peak of Mars today returned, reproduction of the classic road to learn more, the original God play, let the heavens and accompany you to learn, your honour! Yao open in 2016 06 months 22 days 11:00, 3D fantasy masterpiece 91wan "dominate the west" 29 Lane service to dazzle the world open! Qunyao dispatched to storm...