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《龙珠:融合》第一弹PV 游戏系统及角色展示

Dragon: fusion first PV system and game role display

2016-05-27 11:12:05来源: 电玩巴士

日前Bandai Namco公司公开了3DS新作《龙珠:融合》的第一弹PV影像,和此前的预告PV相比,本次的宣传片为大家介绍了更多的游戏要素。这段新影像首先介绍了本作的故事背景,之后则从人物制作的各处细节(包括种族、性别、肤色等等)、游戏中的冒险探索要素、战斗要素设定、多种融合方式及角色...

Recently Bandai Namco company unveiled new book "dragon: integration of 3 ds first play PV image, compared with the previous forecast of PV, this video introduces the more games for everyone. This new image firstly introduces the background of this story, then from the characters of all details (including race, gender, color, etc.), the game's adventurous elements, combat factor set, multiple fusion methods and the role...

标签: 游戏