新关注 > 信息聚合 > 美国任天堂否认能为Switch以旧换新,但客服却承认了


Nintendo denied that it could replace the Switch with the old, but customer service admitted it.

2019-08-23 10:08:26来源: 游戏时光

上周,有玩家称任天堂在美国推出了一项 Switch 主机以旧换新服务,称只要是在 7 月 17 日(即续航加强版 Switch 公布当天)之后购买主机的玩家,可以以新买的旧版机器换取续航加强版主机。然而,美国任天堂官方随后否认了这个政策。不过,有一名油管播主近日上传了一段视频,他用西班牙语给美国任天堂打了一通电话咨询,得到了「可以以旧换新」的答复,规则也跟上面提到的一样:7 月 17 日之后购买主机的玩家,可以参与以旧换新。截至发稿时,任天堂官方尚未对此进行回应。来源:NintendoSoup

Last week, some players said Nintendo launched a switching host replacement service in the United States, claiming that as long as the players buy the host after July 17 (that is, the day the extended version of Switch was released), they can exchange the old version of the new machine for the extended version of the host. However, Nintendo officials subsequently denied the policy. However, a tubing broadcaster uploaded a video recently. He called Nintendo in Spanish and got a reply that "you can replace the old with the new". The rule is the same as that mentioned above: players who buy the mainframe after July 17 can participate in the replacement of the old with the new. At the time of publication, Nintendo officials had not yet responded. Source: Nintendo Soup

标签: 任天堂 Switch