新关注 > 信息聚合 > 【2020年2月第2周】Swtich每周游报:天启骑士周


[week 2, February 2020] swtich weekly travel: Apocalypse Knight week

2020-02-10 17:33:27来源: 游戏时光

粗略算下来,我在家“坐牢”差不多已有三周了。期间下楼两次,一次是跑去超市采购鸡蛋和牛奶,另一次是拿快递。回想起来,还是亚里士多德前辈讲得好,人类是社会性的动物 —— 在家闷久了,心理上是会出毛病的。唯一值得庆幸的是,当我处理完工作上的事情,百无聊赖的躺在床上时,随手带回老家的 Switch 居然起到了关键作用。除了缓慢推进《精灵宝可梦 剑/盾》的进度外,偶然看看 eShop 里有什么新东西也算是一大乐事。本周推荐暗黑血统:创世纪原名:Darksiders Genesis游戏解锁时间:2月14日21点(欧服)语言:中文最低参考价:220.76人民币(加拿大服)相比隔壁的《暗黑血统3》,作为一部外...

Roughly speaking, I've been in jail at home for almost three weeks. During the period, I went downstairs twice, one was to go to the supermarket to buy eggs and milk, and the other was to take express delivery. In retrospect, Aristotle said that human beings are social animals. If you stay at home for a long time, you will have mental problems. The only thing to be thankful for is that when I finished my work and lay in bed bored, the switch that I brought back to my hometown played a key role. In addition to slowly pushing forward the progress of spirit treasure dream sword / shield, it's a great pleasure to occasionally see what's new in eshop. This week recommended Diablo bloodline: Genesis original name: Darksiders Genesis game unlock time: February 14, 21:00 (European service) language: Chinese minimum reference price: 220.76 RMB (Canadian service) compared with the next door "Diablo bloodline 3", as a foreign