新关注 > 信息聚合 > 一周新闻评论:日本父亲怒砸儿子朋友的Switch【VG聊天室289】


A week's news review: Japanese father smashes the switch of his son's friend [VG chat room 289]

2019-12-24 16:34:42来源: 游戏时光

VG聊天室已登录各大FM平台,本期节目链接:喜马拉雅FM|荔枝|听伴|B站|网易云音乐|QQ音乐|歌单 视频:音频:2019年中国游戏产业报告,2019 年最差的 10 款游戏,TGA在线直播4520万人收看,《绝地求生》总销量达到6000万份,近十年全球手游下载量及收入排行榜。参与人:EK、赞恩、骑士OP:Anthem Of The Lonely - Nine LashesED:ほんとの気持ち - 松たか子本期听点开场 日本一父亲怒砸儿子朋友的Switch。00:28:13 2019年中国游戏产业报告。00:50:06 次时代Xbox将在首发当日支持向下兼容。00:51:29 TGA在线直...

VG chat room has been logged into the major FM platforms. The program link of this issue is: Himalayan FM | litchi | listening partner | B station | Netease cloud music | QQ music | song list Video: Audio: China's game industry report in 2019, the worst 10 games in 2019, TGA live broadcast of 45.2 million people. The total sales volume of Jedi survival has reached 60 million copies, ranking the world's mobile game download volume and revenue in recent ten years. Participants: EK, Zane, Knight OP: Anthem of the lonely - nine lashed ED: ほんとの気ちたたかかたかたかたかたかたかたかかたかたかかたか. China's game industry report in 2019. 00:50:06 times Xbox will support downward compatibility on the launch day. TGA is online at 00:51:29

标签: Switch