新关注 > 信息聚合 > 第11届科隆国际游戏展开幕


The 11th Cologne International Games Open

2019-08-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

8月20日,在德国科隆举行的第11届科隆国际游戏展上,参观者体验一款手机游戏。 当日,作为全球主要的互动游戏和娱乐展会,第11届科隆国际游戏展在德国科隆国际展览中心拉开帷幕。本届展会由德国游戏行业协会和科隆展览公司主办,分为游戏互动体验、商务洽谈、电子竞技、COSPLAY表演、游戏周边产品销售等多个板块,共吸引了来自50多个国家和地区的约1150家参展商。 新华社记者 逯阳 摄

Visitors experience a mobile game at the 11th Cologne International Game Exhibition in Cologne, Germany, on August 20. On that day, the 11th Cologne International Game Exhibition opened at the Cologne International Exhibition Center, Germany, as the main interactive games and entertainment exhibition in the world. The exhibition is sponsored by the German Game Industry Association and Cologne Exhibition Company. It is divided into several parts, such as interactive game experience, business negotiation, e-sports, COSPLAY performance, and sales of products around the game. It attracts about 1150 exhibitors from more than 50 countries and regions. QIYANG, Xinhua News Agency

标签: 游戏