新关注 > 信息聚合 > 国外网友用《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》神还原《星球大战》

国外网友用《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》神还原《星球大战》

Foreign net friend with the nintendo star ported Special edition "god reduction" Star Wars"

2019-01-07 14:43:04来源: 游戏时光

游戏粉丝们总是会变着花样用《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》创造一些有趣和恶搞的画面,例如早先我们报道过的《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》鬼畜复制Bug,《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》自从发售之后,就给网友们的恶搞和创作提供了大量的素材。近日,Reddit用户“Zaptagious”发布了一套图片,他竟然用《任天堂明星大乱斗 特别版》还原了《星球大战前传3 西斯的复仇》中最经典的一个场景:欧比旺与安纳金在穆斯塔法星球上的最终决战。可以看出图片中对于细节非常考究,欧比旺与安纳金的面部特征都非常还原。安纳金(左)与欧比旺《星球大战前传3 西斯的复仇》中这个场景描述了安纳金堕入原力的黑暗面之后,欧比旺不得不亲手...

Game fans will always change the pattern with the nintendo star ported Special edition to create some interesting and fun, such as previously we reported the nintendo star ported Special edition "ghost livestock duplicate Bug," nintendo star ported Special edition "since the launch, give the netizens' spoof offers a wide range of materials and creation. Recently, Reddit users "Zaptagious" released a set of pictures, he should use the nintendo star ported Special edition "reduction" Star Wars: episode iii revenge of the sith "in one of the most famous scene: obi-wan and anakin mustafa planet in the final decisive battle. As you can see in the picture in detail very fastidious, obi-wan and anakin's facial features are very reduction. Anakin (left) and obi-wan "Star Wars: episode iii revenge of the sith" in this scenario describes the fall after the dark side of the force, anakin obi-wan had to personally...