新关注 > 信息聚合 > LPL赛区再燃战火 20日11点德玛西亚杯西安站正式开战

LPL赛区再燃战火 20日11点德玛西亚杯西安站正式开战

LPL division to war again 20 11 xian DE Marcia cup stand war officially

2018-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

2018《英雄联盟》德玛西亚杯(简称:德杯)西安站的战鼓,即将于12月20日12点10分在西安曲江国际会展中心正式敲响。作为休赛期过后的首个官方大赛,德杯将成为检验各支战队新阵容适配,以及英雄联盟职业联赛(简称:LPL)新赛季开始前状态的最好试炼场。八支国内顶级《英雄联盟》战队——iG、RNG、EDG、JDG、RW、TOP、SN、SDG,也将先行起跑,全力冲刺,向德杯冠军发起冲击,为新赛季LPL征程取得开门红。 德玛西亚杯西安站 德杯西安站赛程紧密 比赛一次看过瘾 本次德杯西安站赛程安排十分紧密。在12月20日-12月23日共四天比赛中,玩家将看到4场BO1、9场BO3以及1场BO...

2018 "hero alliance" DE Marcia cup (hereinafter referred to as: cups) amid the drums of xi 'an station, on December 20, 12 PM 10 officially sounded in the xi 'an qujiang international exhibition center. As the first official competition after the offseason, German cup will become a new squad fit test all the teams, as well as the professional league hero alliance (hereinafter referred to as: LPL) state prior to the start of the new season the best test field. Eight domestic TOP "hero alliance" team - iG, RNG, EDG, JDG, RW, TOP, SN, SDG, will first run, sprinting to, to the German cup, LPL campaign for the new season. DE Marcia cup station of xi 'an Xian DE cup stand schedule closely match see enough at a time The German cup xi 'an station schedule is very tight. On December 23 December 20 - until four days in the game, players will see four BO3 BO1, 9 and 1 field BO...