新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《荒野乱斗》发售后第一周收入超过1000万美元


"The wilderness scuffle" income more than $10 million in the first week after the sale

2018-12-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

据第三方机构Sensor Tower 报导指出,期待已久的多人游戏《荒野乱斗》第一周全球收入超过1000万美元,比其在测试中的总玩家支出高出30%。 在将《荒野乱斗》与其他Supercell游戏的第一周收入进行比较,该游戏的收入约为发行商前作《部落冲突:皇室战争》在前7天内收入的26%。不过与前作不同,《荒野乱斗》尚未在中国推出,而中国贡献了《部落冲突:皇室战争》第一周玩家消费的四分之一。 在下载量方面,自12月12日在全球推出以来,《荒野乱斗》已经获得了大约1500万新玩家。这大约是《部落冲突:皇室战争》第一周下载量的一半。 《荒野乱斗》目前是美国和包括韩国在内的其他13...

Reported according to the third party agencies Sensor Tower, the long-awaited multiplayer "wilderness scuffle" in the first week of global income of more than $10 million, 30% higher than its total spending on players in test. The wilderness scuffle, in comparing with other Supercell game in the first week of income, the income of the game before about the vendor "tribal conflict: the royal war" in the first seven days of 26% of their income. But at first, "the wilderness scuffle" has not been launched in China, and China's contribution to the "tribal conflict: the royal war spending a quarter of the first week of players. In terms of downloads, since it was introduced on December 12, in the world, the wilderness scuffle has received about 15 million new players. This is about "tribal conflict: the royal war" in the first half week downloads. "The wilderness scuffle" is now the United States and other 13, including South Korea,...