新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《新斗罗大陆》iOS不删档今日开启


"New dou luo continent" iOS does not delete files opened today

2018-06-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

千呼万唤,史莱克七怪终聚首!历经团队不断的精心打磨,《新斗罗大陆》将在今日10时正式登陆iOS开启不删档内测。 加入不删档内测的玩家,除可享受各类专属福利外,多重亮点内容及特色玩法也将首次跟大家见面,掀起炎炎夏日一波又一波热浪! 为了感谢各位玩家及粉丝们长期以来报以热情的支持,本次不删档内测豪礼疯狂送,登陆就送各种极品道具、钻石;副本关卡各种珍稀英雄、高阶经验药水;各大战场厮杀,领专属稀有道具,更有豪华大礼包豪情大奉送,助力各位魂师飞快成长。 不删档吸睛多,激情就在当下 海量福利加持,定然让《新斗罗大陆》手游不删档内测激情万丈,而不删档测试有更多吸睛内容,能激发魂师们的战斗热情!...

The long-awaited, shrek seven strange all together! After carefully polished of team constantly new dou luo continent will open on today at 10 official iOS don't delete file closed. Join not delete files inside players, besides can enjoy all kinds of exclusive benefits, multiple window contents and characteristic style also will meet with you for the first time, sorching summer wave after wave of heat! In order to thank the players and fans with enthusiastic support for a long time, this does not delete files private hao li crazy, landing send all kinds of gourmet props, diamond; A copy of the levels of rare hero, advanced experience potion; Major combat, and bring exclusive rare items, and more luxurious package pride, surrender, help you soul fast growth. Don't delete file eyes and more, passion is now a huge number of welfare blessings must make new dou luo continent hand swim not delete file inner passion, and not delete file test have more eye content, absorption can stimulate the soul trainers are fighting enthusiasm! ...

标签: iOS