新关注 > 信息聚合 > “这届女玩家”女性向游戏分享会月底绽放上海


"This session of female players" women to share will blossom in Shanghai at the end of the game

2018-05-24 00:00:00来源: 人民网

5月30日,由上海市网络游戏行业协会主办,炫踪网络协办的“这届女玩家”女性向游戏分享会将在上海缤谷广场盛大召开。会议将从女性向游戏研发、用户需求解读、出海痛点、投放运营等多维度给出“这届女玩家”的入局干货。届时,游戏媒体代表、高校网络与新媒体教授和专注女性向游戏研发与发行的从业者们将齐聚一堂,说说“她游戏”的故事。 为什么要聚焦女性向游戏领域? 一方面迎合了游戏市场的发展风向。近两年,女性玩家逐渐从小的分支发展成为游戏领域重要的组成部分。据《2017年全球移动游戏产业白皮书》显示,2017年全球移动游戏用户中女性玩家以50.2%的占比超过了男性玩家。而在国内,现象级手游《旅行青蛙》和...

On May 30, sponsored by the Shanghai online game industry association, dazzle trace network assisted "this session of female players" woman to share with their game will bean valley plaza grand meeting in Shanghai. The meeting will be from a woman to game development, user needs interpretation, pain points at sea, on the operation and so on multi-dimensional give "this session of female players" incoming dry goods. Game time, and professor of new media and media representatives, college network focused on women to game development and distribution of practitioners will be gathered, about "the story of her game". Why do you want to focus on women to gaming? On the one hand, catering to the development direction of the game market. Nearly two years, the branch of women gradually from become a important part of the game field. White paper in 2017, according to the global mobile game industry, according to the 2017 women players in the global mobile game users with 50.2% accounted for more than the male players. And in the domestic, phenomenal mobile game "travel frog" and...

标签: 玩家 游戏