新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《征服2》被曝正在开发中!或将成为XBOX ONE平台独占

《征服2》被曝正在开发中!或将成为XBOX ONE平台独占

"Conquest 2" is being developed! Or will be an exclusive XBOX ONE platform

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

由白金工作室开发的高节奏动作游戏《绝对征服(Vanquish)》在 2010 年上市时获得了许多正面的评价,之前也正式登陆了PC平台。近日这款游戏的粉丝们似乎终于能够听到关于续作的消息。根据传闻指出《绝对征服 2》目前正在开发中,而且即将成为Xbox One平台的独占游戏。 这项消息的来源是自称为业界内部人士的Marcus Sellars,而他在过去就曾经成功提前外流过许多电玩相关的消息。虽然Sellars目前尚为公开任何关于《绝对征服 2》的细节,但不少玩家推测《绝对征服 2》的风格将会与前作的高节奏掩体科幻射击风格接近。 就像其他电玩传闻一样,在官方正式回应之前最好还是抱怀疑的态...

Vanquish, a highly rhythmic action game developed by platinum studio, gained many positive reviews when it was launched in 2010. It also officially landed on the PC platform. Recently the game fans seem to finally be able to hear about the news of the sequel. According to the rumor, "absolute conquest 2" is now being developed and is about to be an exclusive game of the Xbox One platform. The source of the news was Marcus Sellars, a self called industry insider, and he had been successful in the past in a lot of video - related news. Although Sellars has yet to disclose any details about the "absolute conquest 2", many players speculate that the style of "absolute conquest 2" will be similar to that of the previous high paced bunker, the science fiction shooting style. Like other video stories, it's better to be suspicious before the official official response.

标签: Xbox