新关注 > 信息聚合 > 《剑荡八荒》不删档测试今日重磅开启 乱世枭雄引领火爆国战

《剑荡八荒》不删档测试今日重磅开启 乱世枭雄引领火爆国战

"The sword and the eight wastes" does not delete files test. Today, the heavy blockbuster opens the troubled world and leads the fierce national war.

2018-02-28 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在玩家的翘首期盼下,首款打架赚钱国战手游《剑荡八荒》不删档测试于今日正式开启!游戏经过数轮删档测试,收集到了很多玩家中肯的建议和肯定,研发团队耗时数月打磨品质,终于在今日与所有的玩家见面。在本次不删档测试的版本中,除了产品在用户体验上做了大量的优化之外,还新增了分享系统、神兵幻化等诸多新颖的玩法。各位热血男儿,还不拉上你的兄弟,一同加入这个激情澎湃的史诗游戏世界吧! 为了回馈所有玩家的关注与支持,《剑荡八荒》为第一时间入驻游戏的玩家准备了非常丰厚的好礼,签到七天乐,让你连续七天领取多重惊喜,新手冲级更有炫酷时装,稀有宝石等你来拿!想要快人一步,就要抢先入驻! 八大特色战场 感受国战激...

Under the expectation of the players, the first fight, the money making country war hand tour "the sword and the eight wastes" does not delete the file test officially opened today. After several rounds of censoring, the game has collected the suggestions and affirmation of many players. The R & D team took several months to polish the quality and finally met all the players today. In this version of the non censoring test, there are many new ways of sharing the sharing system, the magic of the gods and so on, in addition to a lot of optimization in the user experience. Warm blooded men, do not pull your brothers together to join this passionate epic game world! In order to give back all the players' attention and support, the "sword Dang eight" has prepared a very generous gift for the players who have entered the game for the first time, sign in seven days of music, let you get multiple surprises for seven days in a row, and the novice has more cool fashion, rare jewels and so on. If you want to be quick, you must be in the first place! The eight characteristic battlefields feel the war of the country.