新关注 > 信息聚合 > 供应链:次世代主机生命周期将缩短到5年


Supply chain: life cycle of next generation host will be shortened to 5 years

2020-07-28 10:44:06来源: 游戏时光

  我们知道一款家用游戏主机的生命周期一般在 6 年到 7 年左右,但有供应链的消息人士透露,即将到来的次世代主机生命周期可能会缩短到 5 年。  据台湾科技媒体 DIGITIMES 报道,索尼在台湾的后端供应链有消息人士向他们透露,次世代家用机的生命周期可能会从 6~7 年缩短到 5 年。从 2020 年四季度正式上市起算,到 5 年生命周期末期为止,供应链预计 PS5 在此期间的总出货量将至少达到 1.2 亿台,大致上是微软 Xbox Series X 预计出货量的两倍。  根据消息人士的说法,PS4 迄今为止的注册数量已经达到了 1.1 亿台,而 PS5 在 5 年的生命周期里有望对 1.2 亿台至 1.7 亿台的出货量发起挑战。消息人士还补充说,近期索尼将 2020 年的 PS5 预估出货量提高到近 1

We know that the life cycle of a home game console is generally about six to seven years, but a supply chain source has revealed that the life cycle of the upcoming next generation console may be shortened to five years. According to DIGITIMES, a source in Sony's back-end supply chain in Taiwan disclosed to them that the life cycle of the next generation of home computers may be shortened from six to seven years to five years. From the official launch in the fourth quarter of 2020 to the end of the five-year life cycle, the supply chain expects that the total shipment volume of ps5 during this period will reach at least 120 million units, roughly double the expected shipment volume of Microsoft Xbox series X. According to the source, the number of PS4 registered so far has reached 110 million units, and ps5 is expected to challenge the shipment of 120 million to 170 million units in a five-year life cycle. The source also added that Sony recently increased its ps5 forecast for 2020 to nearly 1