新关注 > 信息聚合 > 咸宁千余名师生五一前齐学“火场”逃生(图)


Xianning thousand students and teachers before May Qi Schools "fire" escape (Figure)

2016-04-28 19:40:30来源: 荆楚网

荆楚网消息(通讯员 朱燕林)为进一步加强幼儿园、中小学校师生的消防安全知识,普及消防常识,有效提高师生们的消防安全意识。4月27日至28日,咸宁市消防部门宣传员借五一小长假来临之际,走进辖区嘉鱼县三...

Sports Network (correspondent Zhu Yanlin) to further strengthen the kindergarten, primary and secondary school teachers and students of fire safety knowledge, the spread of fire safety knowledge, improve fire safety awareness of teachers and students. April 27 to 28, Xianning City Fire Department propagandists by the May Day holiday approaching, into the area of Jiayu three ...