新关注 > 信息聚合 > 骨灰级游戏发烧友 德国小伙火车上用电视打游戏

骨灰级游戏发烧友 德国小伙火车上用电视打游戏

Hardcore game enthusiasts The German guy with a TV game on the train

2017-10-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

近日互联网上有一张照片被中国网友曝光,那就是,一名德国小伙在火车上按耐不住寂寞,竟然在座位上开启电视机打起游戏来。而他这一做法,也吸引了很多乘客的关注,有乘客就把它打游戏的画面上传到社交平台。网友们纷纷称赞,这才是真正的骨灰级游戏发烧友。 德国铁路上的游戏大神 据通车的爆料者称,这位游戏发烧友在他上车的时候就已经在开始打游戏了,最开始的时候玩儿的是FIFA足球,之后开始玩儿龙珠,在爆料者下车的时候,这个游戏大神竟然玩起了上古卷轴。 铁路上搭载220V电源输出口 当然国外铁路对于乘客管控是相对比较宽松的,只要是不打扰别的乘客,列车员就不会进行强行干预,并且当时车厢里的座位还很空...

Recently on the Internet a photograph by Chinese netizens exposure, that is, a German guy on the train lonely mood.according to actually open the TV play game on the seat. And the practice, who is also attracted the attention of many passengers, passengers are playing games, it pictures uploaded to social platform. Netizens praised, this is the real hardcore game enthusiasts. Deutsche bahn game great spirit According to the traffic source said, the game enthusiasts when he get in the car has started to play the game in the beginning to play the FIFA football, began to play after dragon ball, get off at the source, the great spirit of the game should play the elder scrolls. Railway to carry 220 v power outlet, of course, the foreign railway for passengers control is relatively loose, as long as it is not to disturb other passengers, the conductor will not forced intervention, and the car seat was empty...

标签: 游戏