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新游《霸王之心》明日开测 激爽亮点抢先看!

XinYou "heart of the open test tomorrow Excited great window first to see!

2017-06-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

霸王乌江转世轮回,手拥美人坐怀天下!即时战斗,全图PK,新游《霸王之心》即将在明天揭开它的神秘面纱!史上最激情的战斗方式、最多变的连招系统、最复杂的游戏系统、最绚烂的原画美工,在《霸王之心》的游戏中一次就可完全畅享!《霸王之心》即将在明日开首测,快跟小编一起抢先看看《霸王之心》到底有哪些激爽亮点吧! 提到霸王,就不得不说起乌江边自刎的一代豪杰——西楚霸王项羽。这一次,霸王轮回转世颠覆历史,《霸王之心》将给所有玩家带来一次亲身体验霸王的机会!在《霸王之心》的游戏中,玩家不但可以亲自扮演霸王角色,还能在开放的世界地图中跟其他玩家尽情厮杀,争夺天下第一的帝王之位! 在《霸王之心》的游戏...

Overlord wujiang river reincarnation, hand held a beauty sit bosom the world! Instant fight, full PK, XinYou "the heart of the overlord in the mysteries of the it tomorrow! In the history of the most passionate way of fighting, the most versatile LianZhao system, the most complicated game system, the most gorgeous painting artists, in the game of "the heart of the overlord" one can fully enjoy referral! "The heart of the overlord" in both test tomorrow, quick with small make up exactly what are the first to look at the heart of the man "shock bright spot! Mentioned overlord, you have to speak of the generation of wujiang river side throat hero - place of overlord xiang yu. This time, the overlord reincarnation overturned history, "the heart of the overlord" will bring all players a chance to experience overlord! Overlord in the heart of the game, players can not only personally overlord role, but also in the open world map with other players to fight, for the day of the first emperor! In the heart of the man, "the game...