新关注 > 信息聚合 > AutoFull傲风电竞椅,618销量全网第一


A proud AutoFull wind racing chair, so the first 618 sales

2017-06-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

618“剁手狂欢节”于昨日完美落下帷幕,据京东数据显示,截至6月18日15点,在始于6月1日的京东618全民年中购物节期间,京东商城累计下单金额已超1100亿元(行业口径)。不仅各类日常用品的销量再创新高,很多用户的个性化、品质化需求也得到了满足。消费者购物热情高涨,购买狂潮不断袭来。 618全网销量第一, 远超同行! 据京东官方战报,618当日,电竞椅品类开始1小时,已超去年同期全天,中国第一电竞椅品牌AutoFull傲风在开始2小时已完成去年同期全天的3倍,日均的3.5倍。与此同时,在AutoFull傲风618大促中,618傲风电商销售额比去年增长近15倍,在京东书房电脑椅/...

618 the chop hand parade in perfect ended yesterday, according to jingdong, according to data as of June 15 points, 18 in jingdong began on June 1, 618 a year during the shopping festival, jingdong mall, accumulative total order amount has more than 110 billion yuan (diameter) industry. Not only all kinds of daily necessities sales hit a new high, a lot of user's personalized, quality requirements are satisfied. Consumers shopping enthusiasm for buying spree kept coming. 618 entire network sales first, than counterparts! According to the official grand jingdong, 618 on the same day, e-sports chair category 1 hour, has been all day over the same period last year, China's first brand AutoFull e-sports chair proud wind has been completed at the beginning of 2 hours in the same period last year 3 times throughout the day, daily average of 3.5 times. Meanwhile, in the proud AutoFull wind, in 618 to promote a proud 618 wind dealer sales nearly 15 times higher than last year, in the study of jingdong computer chair /...

标签: 电竞