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母亲断网帮儿子戒网游 儿子报警称被限制自由

Mother offline help son ring online games Son alarm call is limited freedom

2017-06-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

原标题:母亲断网帮15岁儿子戒网游 儿子竟报警称被限制人身自由 民警在小龙家里了解情况。本报记者 甘侠义 摄 本报讯 眼看儿子就要初三,但成绩却一落千丈,原来孩子迷上了网络游戏。母亲想尽办法让儿子戒网游,甚至不惜断掉家里的网络接入,不想这孩子竟然为此拨打110报警。 前天是周日,下午2点过,不少家庭都在度过愉快的休闲时光,可在沙坪坝小龙坎一幢居民楼里,15岁的男孩小龙(化名)却拿起手机拨打110报警,称被人限制了人身自由。当110民警根据报警信息赶到小龙家时,看到的场景是小龙正在和母亲争吵、怄气。 小龙的母亲王女士告诉民警,儿子今年15岁,正读初二,眼看着马上就要初三、面临中考了...

The original title: mother broken network for 15 year old son ring online games Son's alarm call be restrict personal freedom Police in small dragon house. Our correspondent chivalrous taken report from our correspondent Third son seemed almost, but grades plummeted, the original children addicted to online games. Mother try their best to let her son to quit game, even at the network access of broken home, don't want this child to dial 110 alarm. The day before yesterday is Sunday, 2 PM, many families in enjoying leisure time, can be in a residential building in pearls lee hom, 15-year-old boy xiao (not her real name), but picked up the phone call 110 report to the police, said restricting personal freedom. When the 110 civilian police to get little dragon house, according to the alarm message is see little dragon is, ou spirit and mother quarrel. Little dragon mother wang told police, son this year 15 years old, is read the second day, watching the third face examination soon...

标签: 网游