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中国直播行业再次站上风口 进入新一轮发展期

China again at the tuyere broadcast industry To enter a new development period

2017-06-20 00:00:00来源: 人民网

中新社北京6月19日电 (记者 刘育英)经过一段时间沉寂之后,网络直播行业再次获得资本的青睐,进入新一轮发展期。 资料图:吉林市“85后”发型师王小玖用头发制作3D画,还在做画的时候进行网络直播。 张瑶 摄 19日,腾讯NOW直播宣布投资20亿元(人民币,下同),对平台上的优质原创内容和生产者进行奖励和补贴,扶持更专业的直播内容。“今年的直播行业会逐步回归理性”,腾讯公司副总裁殷宇在发布会上说。 就在腾讯这一大手笔投资前不久,5月16日,欢聚时代旗下虎牙直播完成7500万美元A轮融资;5月24日,花椒直播获得1亿元B轮融资,估值约为50亿元;5月25日,熊猫直播完成10亿元B轮融资...

China news agency Beijing, June 19 (xinhua Aats h.increased human gingival) over a period of time after the silence, the live webcast industry once again won the favour of capital, into a new round of development. Data figure: jilin city "after 85" Wang Xiaojiu the stylist make 3 d pictures with her hair, also when doing the painting to live webcast. Yiyad taken 19, tencent live NOW announced the investment of 2 billion yuan (RMB, same below), the platform of high quality original content and producers for awards and subsidies, to support more professional broadcast content. This year's industry will be gradually return to rational live, tencent company vice President YanYu said in the conference. At tencent shortly before the big investment, on May 16, canine teeth live together age group completed A $75 million round of funding; On May 24, Chinese prickly ash live obtain 100 million yuan B round of funding, the valuation of about 5 billion yuan; On May 25, pandas live complete $1 billion B round...

标签: 直播