新关注 > 信息聚合 > 高考结束怎么嗨?YY电竞高考农药轰趴带你浪起来


Hi college entrance examination end? YY e-sports wave pesticide party take you up in the college entrance examination

2017-06-12 00:00:00来源: 人民网

导语:经过两天的紧张奋战,高考终于落下帷幕。接下来,考生们将迎来Y电竞频道带来的农药开黑盛宴——“YY电竞高考农药轰趴”,在这场为期三天的王者大趴体里,不仅包含 ASMR、Cosplay、王者荣耀竞技等多个让人血脉喷张的元素,还将有67个国服第一带你浪! 经过两天的紧张奋战,高考终于落下帷幕。对于热爱游戏的同学们来说,考试结束后最想要的狂欢自然是开启“王者荣耀上分模式”!为了让刚刚结束高考的小伙伴们尽情释放压力,YY电竞将于6月9日至6月11日在YY电竞78频道进行“YY电竞高考农药轰趴”的直播活动,让解放后的考生们在与不同风格的主播互动中,从视觉、听觉、触觉中体验更立体化、年轻态的农药开...

Guide language: after two days of tense, the university entrance exam finally ended. Next, students will have Y e-sports channel of pesticide on black feast -- "YY e-sports pesticide evening college entrance examination", at the three-day king of big lie prone in the body, not only contains ASMR, Cosplay and sporting king glory more let a person blood spray elements, there are 67 countries will also take the first area you wave! After two days of tense, the university entrance exam finally ended. For the students love games, after the examination want carnival nature is open "glory on the mode of the king"! In order to make friends to release pressure just after the university entrance exam, YY e-sports on June 9 solstice in YY e-sports on June 11, 78 channels for e-sports pesticide evening college entrance examination "YY" live activity, let the liberation of the students in interacting with different styles of the host, from visual, auditory and tactile experience more three-dimensional, young state pesticide open...

标签: 电竞 YY