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同芯共赢 锐不可挡AMD京东整机发布会

With the core benefit Sharp unstoppable AMD jingdong the whole conference

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

在2017年第一季度,AMD发布了基于Zen架构的全新锐龙系列处理器产品,在全球PC市场引起巨大反响,获得了众多消费者的一致好评。 2017年5月25日,AMD中国携手京东与五大国际知名OEM主机厂商:宏碁、华硕、戴尔、惠普、联想(以英文名称字母排序,排名不分先后)一起,在北京举办了“同芯共赢锐不可挡”品牌整机联合发布会,正式将AMD锐龙处理器引入中国OEM台式整机市场。 “同芯共赢锐不可挡”品牌整机联合发布会现场 AMD全球副总裁、大中华区总裁潘晓明先生表示:“锐龙处理器标志着AMD重返高性能计算市场,它在性能上实现了大幅的提升,同时ZEN核心构建起AMD未来产品路线图的方向。锐...

In the first quarter of 2017, AMD issued based on the architecture of Zen completely new dragon series processors, caused a big stir in the global PC market, won numerous consumer's consistent high praise. On May 25, 2017, AMD China join hands to jingdong and five international well-known OEM console manufacturers: acer, asus, dell, HP, lenovo (name of the English alphabetical order, in no particular order), held in Beijing the "win-win sharp unstoppable" with core brand machine joint conference, formally introducing sharp dragon processors AMD OEM desktop machine market in China. Sharp unstoppable "win-win" with the core brand machine joint conference AMD global vice President, greater China President Mr Xiao-ming pan said: "the sharp dragon marks the AMD processor to return to the high performance computing market, it achieved a sharp increase on performance, while ZEN core build AMD product road map in the direction of the future. Sharp...

标签: 京东