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携神兽欢度儿童节 《梦幻西游》电脑版新服萌动开启

With god beast to celebrate children's day "fantasy westward journey" computer version new suit to be open

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

五月花香满城芳,六月童心回归忙,《梦幻西游》电脑版诚意相邀玩家“三界游”,带你遍赏三界奇景,走不一样的西游路!2017年5月26日中午12:00,浙江1区新服“古灵精怪”欢乐开启,各大专享活动同步上线,好礼多多惊喜多多,让你的梦幻之行豪华起飞! 随着新服的启动,官方还为玩家准备了海量福利礼包,从神兽到年月卡优惠再到精美周边,诚意十足先到先得,下面就是一份新服寻宝指南,帮你收集全部惊喜! 新服送机缘:超级神鸡驾到 身为2017年的生肖神兽,超级神鸡的择主眼光可是相当高的。玩家只有在开服90天内同时满足:在线满300小时、等级超过60级、经验排行位于服务器前10%等条件,才可获得参与抽...

The city aromatic flowers in May and June childlike innocence back to busy, "fantasy westward journey" computer version sincerity mutually invite players "three worlds", take you time to admire the wonders, permeating the paths of different westward journey! 12:00 noon on May 26, 2017, zhejiang district 1 new suit "queer" joy open, colleges enjoy activities that synchronous online, gifts, many surprises, let your dream trip off luxury! As the start of the new service, the official also have massive benefits package, for players from god beast to monthly card is favorable to elegant surrounding, sincerity is first come first serve, here is a new quest guide, help you to collect all surprise! New suits to send to chance: super chicken! God as 2017 zodiac god beast, super chicken god choose the main vision is quite high. Players only 90 days in open at the same time satisfy: full, level more than 60, 300 hours online experience ranking in the top 10% condition such as server, to get involved in smoke...

标签: 梦幻西游