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Karp empty masterpiece "monster hunter XX" announced on the Switch

2017-05-26 00:00:00来源: 人民网

《怪物猎人XX》是Capcom旗下动作RPG游戏《怪物猎人X》的续作,可继承《怪物猎人X》大部分数据,已经于2017年3月18日在任天堂掌机3DS平台发售,今日卡普空正式宣布《怪物猎人XX》将推出对应任天堂最新主机Switch的版本--《怪物猎人XX Nintendo Switch Ver.》。 NS版《怪物猎人XX》的发售时间和售价都还没有公布,《怪物猎人》系列在日本人气相当高,具体细节将在日后公布。

Monster hunter XX is Capcom's action RPG game "monster hunter X" sequel, inheritable "monster hunter X" most of the data, has been on March 18, 2017 Nintendo 3 ds handheld platform, karp empty today formally announced the monster hunter XX corresponding Nintendo will launch the latest version of the host Switch - the monster hunter XX Nintendo Switch Ver. ". NS edition, "monster hunter XX" release time and the price has not announced, the monster hunter series popularity in Japan is quite high, the details will be announced at a later date.

标签: 怪物猎人 Switch