新关注 > 信息聚合 > 王者荣耀将上线两件新装备!射手重振雄风 法师看了心方

王者荣耀将上线两件新装备!射手重振雄风 法师看了心方

The king glory will be launched on two new equipment! The archer renewed his strength and the master looked at his heart

2017-03-16 00:00:00来源: 人民网

王者荣耀体验服更新中新增了两件装备,分别是逐日之弓和破魔刀,下面8868小编为大家介绍他们的属性。 逐日之弓 合成路径:雷鸣刃+狂暴双刃 价格:2100 属性:物理攻击+45,攻击速度+20%,暴击+15%,移动速度+5% 唯一主动-逐日:暂时提升自己150普攻射程和30%移动速度,持续5秒,CD60秒(仅对远程英雄生效) 我们希望通过这件装备,尝试改善一些射手的输出环境。当然,过远的射程可能会导致一些预期外的问题出现,我们会持续关注这件装备在体验服的表现。 破魔刀 合成路径:风暴巨剑+抗魔披风+抗魔披风 价格:2000 属性:物理攻击+100 唯一被动-破魔:...

King of glory in the new update service experience are two pieces of equipment, daily bow and broken knife, the following 8868 Xiaobian to introduce their properties. Daily bow: Thunder Fury + synthetic path edge double-edged price: 2100 attributes: physical attack +45 attack speed, +20%, crit +15%, moving speed of only +5% active daily: temporarily improve their Pugong 150 range and 30% movement speed for 5 seconds CD60 seconds (valid for the remote hero only) we hope that through this piece of equipment, try to improve the output environment of some shooters. Of course, too far range may cause some unexpected problems, and we will continue to pay attention to the performance of this equipment in experiential clothing. Broken sword: the storm path synthesis knife + anti magic cloak + anti magic cloak price: 2000 attributes: physical attack +100 only passive - broken magic:...

标签: 王者荣耀