新关注 > 信息聚合 > 2017年腾讯要在手游里造一个山海经的RPG大世界


In 2017 the Tencent to build a The Classic of the Great Wilderness RPG world in Mobile Games.

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

3月4日,轩辕传奇手游震撼发布。今年,北极光工作室将以轩辕传奇手游进击手游RPG领域。过去一年手游RPG领域波澜起伏但并没有出现一款能统治市场的作品,今年的轩辕传奇手游来会为市场带来怎样的变化呢? 时无“英雄”的2016 在过去的一年,手游领域出现了许多的MMORPG游戏,从PC端移植到手游端的也屡见不鲜。然而,他们当中的大多数不是昙花一现,就是默默无闻。究其根本是,市场上的手游都缺乏一个能让用户不断探究的故事背景以及可玩性较高的游戏玩法(即探索性和可玩性)。即使偶尔有产品在视觉上让人眼前一亮,但是没有和玩法以及故事内涵相适应的外观包装对如玩家来说,也只是如同花瓶一般,细细玩味则乏善可陈...

March 4th, Xuanyuan legend hand travel shock released. This year, the northern lights in studio will Mobile Games Mobile Games RPG attack Xuanyuan legend. Over the past year, hand travel RPG field ups and downs, but did not appear to dominate the market works, this year's Xuanyuan legend hand tour will bring about changes in the market for it? When no "hero" 2016, in the past year, hand travel field appeared many MMORPG games, from the PC side transplant hand, travel side is also common. However, most of them are not flash in the pan, they are unknown. The basic reason is that there is a lack of market travel hand allows users to explore the background of the story, as well as high gameplay gameplay (that is exploratory and playability). Even the occasional products in the vision of bright spots, but did not play and adapt to the connotation of the story and the appearance of the packaging of such as the game player, just like a vase, taste is less...

标签: 手游 腾讯