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《魔力宝贝》开年资料片即将登场 舞惑众生迎接全新职业

The magic baby come open in the expansion Dance whisper to meet new career

2017-03-08 11:46:55来源: 任玩堂

由史克威尔艾尼克斯正版授权的手游《魔力宝贝》即将于 3 月 17 日迎来 2017 开年首部资料片“舞惑众生”,并正式开放第八大职业——舞者。性感迷人、崇尚自由的舞娘小姐姐即将来到法兰大陆,与勇士们一同对抗魔族军团,让我们跟随音乐的节拍,释放心中洋溢似火的青春,一起舞动法兰。炫动节拍,魔力绽放,肩负着家族的重要使命,只身一人来到遥远的法兰城。作为《魔力宝贝》手游家族的第八位成员,舞者正如她的职业名称所描述的一样,用曼妙动人的舞蹈贯彻着自己对光明的信仰。不久之后,这位来自法兰大陆西北神秘部族的迷之少女,将同各位勇士们一起,用她独特的战斗方式,击退肆意破坏和平的魔族部落。初见舞者,你一定会被她靓丽...

By the square: the original authorized mobile game "magic baby" on March 17 in 2017 opened the first expansion whisper "dance", officially opened and eighth career - dancer. Sexy, liberal dancers little sister coming flange continent, with warriors fight inferno army, let us follow the beat of music, release the heart overflow fire of youth, the dance of the flange. Moves to the beat, magic, shoulder the important mission of family, alone to the distant city of flange. As a "magic baby" mobile game 8 members of the family, the dancers as described her class name, with their moving to carry out their faith in the light of dance. Soon after, the mainland from the flange northwest mysterious girl, of the tribe's fans will join fellow warriors, with her unique way of fighting, beat vandalized the inferno tribe of peace. Dancers at first, you must be her beautiful...