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《英雄美人》小白走攻略 趣味活动不断

"Hero beauty white tips Fun activities constantly

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

饥荒小白攻略,跟刚入坑的小白们详细的讲解下《英雄美人》中的一些基础知识,希望对小白们有所帮助,能够帮助小白们早日适应饥荒的世界。 走镖赚钱 《英雄美人》在玩家初出茅庐的时候,会有礼包一路报送玩家能有较好的装备换,但是,到了后期玩家们都希望能有一套最强大的装备,但是装备中有些稀有东西需要玩家去买,没有钱这该怎么办?不用担心,每天早NPC处领取各色的跑镖任务,都会得到不一样的金钱奖励,加入家族后还会有家族跑镖供玩家选择,而最高奖励则是紫镖,但是也要小心一路上来劫镖的玩家哦! 趣味活动 每天都会有很多玩家聚集在集宝盆、花丛中、湖边等地方,闲来无事赏赏风景,再者做做趣味小活动,而这些...

Famine small white tips, just into the pit with a small white the detailed interpretation of the "hero beauty under some of the basic knowledge, hope to help the small white, to help the small white as soon as possible to adapt to the world of hunger. ZouBiao money "hero beauty when players rookie, be polite package however, players can have better equipment in all the way, however, to the late players would like to have a set of the most powerful equipment, but some rare things in equipment requires players to buy, have no money to do this? Don't worry, every day early get all run dart mission NPCS, will have different monetary rewards, after joining the family will also have a family run dart for players to choose, and the highest reward is purple dart, but also be careful on the way to plunder dart player! Fun activities Every day there are a lot of players gathered on the shores of lake BaoPen, flowers, such as place, be free and at leisure or scenery, also do some interesting activities, and these...