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有了PS4/Xbox One Switch该不该买?看完就知

The PS4 / Xbox One should Switch to buy? See you know

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

Switch并不能算是PS4和Xbox One的直接竞争对手,因此就算你已经拥有其中一个,也完全可以再入手Switch。 任天堂的Switch已经开售,而作为老任的竞争对手,索尼PS4和微软Xbox One不免会拿来被与Switch进行直接对比。因此对于纠结与其中的玩家来说,如何在三款游戏主机中选择,成为了一件让人纠结的事情。 任天堂Switch与PS4和Xbox One一个最大的区别就是自带显示屏,可以带着到处走,在各种场合下都可以体验游戏的乐趣。而除此之外,在作为次世代主机使用的时候,在性能上与PS4、Xbox One究竟有哪些差别呢?我们一起来看看。 需要说明的是,这篇文章不...

The Switch and not a PS4 and Xbox One direct competitors, so even if you already have One, also can start the Switch again. Nintendo's Switch has sale, and as LaoRen rivals, SONY PS4 and Microsoft Xbox One inevitably has been linked with a Switch to direct comparison. So for entangled with its players, how to choose in three game host, became a tangle of things. Nintendo Switch and PS4 and Xbox One, One of the biggest difference is that bring their own display, can take to go everywhere, on various occasions, can experience the fun of the game. And in addition, when used as nextgen host in performance and PS4, Xbox One actually what are the differences? We take a look at. To be sure, this article is not...

标签: PS PS4 Switch Xbox