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血染战场半边天 《抗战2》巾帼英雄书写传奇

Battlefield blood up half the sky "Anti-Japanese War 2" legendary heroine writing

2017-03-08 00:00:00来源: 人民网

抗日雷剧横行荧屏多年,前有裤裆藏雷,后有包子雷,看得观众目瞪口呆。然而在抗日战场上,抗日英雄不只有男性,传统妇女顶起半边天,在《抗战2》的反攻战场,也有众多的巾帼英雄,她们活跃在敌前或敌后,书写着另类的战争传奇。 真情表白 【枪林弹雨书写传奇】 在枪林弹雨的反攻战场,《抗战2》中的女兵像男兵一样冲锋在最前线。她们或是熟练运用各类枪械的枪手,或是以机动性与爆发力著称的特种兵、或是精通各式爆破武器的投注手……总之,她们并没有因为自己是女儿身而畏惧战场的硝烟,她们用不输男兵的意志和本领演绎着别样的精彩。 马到功成 【救死扶伤别样风采】 当男兵们驰骋在战场前沿时,有一类女兵则充当...

Anti-japanese ray play across the screen for many years, before a crotch hid ray, after the steamed stuffed bun, audience dumbfounded. In the anti-japanese battlefield, however, the anti-japanese hero not only men, traditional women hold up half the sky, battlefield in the Anti-Japanese War 2 counter-offensive, also has many of the heroine, they are active in front of the enemy or the enemy, and alternative war saga. Do the truth in a shoot bullets writing legend 】 【 counter-offensive battlefield, "Anti-Japanese War 2" women like men in charge in the forefront. They or skillfully use all kinds of firearms Arsenal, or is famous for its flexibility and power of the special blasting weapons, or proficient in all kinds of bets on hand...... To sum up, the girl, but they didn't because they fear the smoke of the battlefield, they use do not lose much of will and ability to spawn another wonderful. Horse to successful "isn't another style" when men are galloping on the battlefield front, there is a certain type of women are acting as...