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炉石传说牧师加基森紫色随从曝光 受治疗触发效果

Hearthstone legend priest Gakisen purple entourage exposure triggered by healing

2016-11-21 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  加基森版本又曝光一张牧师紫卡随从,新卡低费身材不错,配合治疗可以触发特殊的效果。在前期抢节奏应该好用。   2费2/3 牧师职业紫色随从   每当该随从受到治疗时,召唤一个2/2的晶石

Another version of the exposure of a priest garkisen purple card followers, new card and low cost in good shape, with treatment can trigger special effects. In the early stage, the tempo should be easy to use. 2 fee 2/3 Rev. The purple runner, who calls a 2/2 spar whenever the valet is treated

标签: 炉石传说