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炉石传说加基森版本什么时候出 全套新卡盘点

BFS legend and kissin version when the full set of new chuck

2016-11-23 00:00:00来源: 人民网

  炉石传说加基森将有许多新卡推出,预计会在12月出正式上线,下面就为大家带来目前曝光的新卡能力盘点。   牧师随从,2费2/3,当该随从被治疗时,召唤一个2/2的白板   这个特效比较难触发,需要配合加血的buff才好用,不过牧师缺少前期随从,可以带。   天梯:6分   jjc:6分   中立随从,5费4/6,当你的对手使用法术时,将一张幸运币置入你的手牌。   这个效果很差,是被动触发的,而且要至少触发一次才合格,如果直接被随从交换了就什么也拿不到,不看好。   天梯:5分   jjc:6分   德鲁伊法术,3费,召唤一个玉...

BFS legend and kissin will launch, there are a lot of new card is expected to be out, launched in December, just to bring us the current exposure under the new card ability inventory. Pastor, 2 fee two-thirds, when the entourage was treatment, summoning a 2/2 white board The special effects are difficult to trigger, need to cooperate with blood buff to use, but the priest lack of previous entourage, can take. Ladder: 6 JJC: six points & have spent Neutral, 5 4/6, when your opponent is using spell, put a lucky coin in your hand. Triggered the effect is very poor, is passive, and won't qualify trigger at least once, if direct be exchanged what also can't get, don't look good. Ladder: 5 JJC: six points & have spent Druid spell, 3 fee, summon a jade...

标签: 炉石传说