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Unreal engine 4! "The Lord of the dance fantasy video release

2016-07-26 12:19:10来源: 17173

网元圣唐旗下北京九凤以“虚幻4”次世代引擎精心打造的全新品牌首部作品——《神舞幻想》,今日正式发布由开发中即时演算画面录制的第二部宣传动画。 在古老而苍劲的吟唱声中,我们随着宣动二,来到《神舞幻想》世界里那片神秘的土地上,观看一场盛大的祭典,见证激烈的对战场面,同时也接触到一些关于“...

Net yuan SAN tang's Beijing nine chicken to "unreal 4" next generation engine to establish a new brand first - "god dance fantasy", released today by the development of real-time images recorded the second propaganda animation. In the ancient and vigorous singing sound, we move with xuan two, came to the god of dance fantasy world that mysterious land, watching a big sacrifice, to witness the fierce battle scenes, but also come into contact with something about "...